Children's Room Programs


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Night Sky ~ Grades K-6* 4 half-hour sessions: 2:00, 2:45, 3:30 & 4:15 pm

Registration begins June 25.

Tue., 7/23/19 2:00 pm
registration required

Starlab, an inflatable indoor planetarium from the Museum of Science, will be coming to the library!  Come find out “what’s up” in the night sky.  This presentation helps audiences discover which stars, planets, and other astronomical wonders are visible this evening. Using the Museum’s portable planetarium, they will take us on a tour of the solar system and beyond, and provide useful tips on how you can navigate the night sky from your own backyard.  Only 25 people may attend each presentation.  Please pre-register for only one presentation.  All children under the age of 7 must be accompanied by an adult. 

Seats are limited – please pre-register.  Registration begins June 25.

To pre-register for summer programs, Harvard residents may call the Children’s Room at (978) 456 – 2381not more than four weeks ahead.

Nonresidents may register for programs one week in advance of the event, provided that there is space available. Please call ahead to confirm whether programs have available space.